

Entrance with Title

Mic Shot

Chair Shot

Chair Shot to the Back

Outside Throw Opponent to the Barricade

Rips the Pants Off

Reverses a Scoopslam with a Small Package

Multiple Elbow Smashes

Escapes from a Over-the-Shoulder Double Underhook Move + Elbow Smash

Spinning Middle Kick + Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash

Reverses a 450 Splash with a Double Knee Strike

Reverses a Diving Splash with a Double Knee Strike

Kawada Kicks

Sweeping Kick to the Leg

Multiple Kicks to the Leg

Kick to the Leg

Big Boot to the Arm

Big Boot

Outside Snapmare + Soccer Kick

Snapmare + Soccer Kick

Soccer Kick

Spinning Middle Kick

Middle Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Middle Kicks

Middle Kick


Wrist-Lock Hook Kick

Enzuigiri Kick to a Opponent on the Top Rope

Corner Back Enzuigiri Kick

Escapes from the Corner + Corner Enzuigiri Kick

Corner Enzuigiri Kick

High Kick + Axe Bomber to the Back + Enzuigiri Kick

Axe Bomber to the Back + Enzuigiri Kick

Enzuigiri Kick

High Kick

Buzzsaw Kick

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Abdominal Stretch

Abdominal Stretch

Half Boston Crab

Iron Finger from Hell

Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker

Dangerous Backdrop Hold

Escapes from a Lariat with a Dangerous Backdrop

Reverses a Handspring Move with a Dangerous Backdrop

Reverses a Sleeper Hold with a Dangerous Backdrop

Reverses a Sling Blade with a Dangerous Backdrop

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Dangerous Backdrop

High Kick + Dangerous Backdrop

Dangerous Backdrop

Sliding Axe Bomber to the Back

Sliding Axe Bomber

Corner Axe Bomber

RainAxe Bomber

Escapes from a Lariat + Axe Bomber

Feint Axe Bomber into Axe Bomber

Axe Bomber

Ganso Bomb

Low Blow + Taichi-shiki Gedo Clutch

Enzuigiri Kick + Taichi-shiki Gedo Clutch

Taichi-shiki Gedo Clutch

High Kick + Taichi-shiki Last Ride

Taichi-shiki Last Ride

Reverses a Springboard Cutter with a Tensho Jujihou

Tensho Jujihou

Holy Emperor's Tomb

Reverses a Sleeper Hold with a Black Mephisto

Reverses a Destino with a Black Mephisto

Tensho Jujihou + Black Mephisto

Black Mephisto