Kazuchika Okada


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction


Back Body Drop Pinfall

Reverses a Scoopslam with a Small Package

Shoulder Tackle



Elbow Smash to the Leg

Corner Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash

Elbow to a Kneeling Opponent

Elbow Smashes

Running Back Elbow Strike

Running Elbow Strike + Back Elbow Strike

Fake Slap and Taunt

Big Boot

Outside Big Boot

Snapmare + Sliding Dropkick

Sliding Dropkick


Senton Atomico

Apron Back Body Drop


Arm-Trapped Neckbreaker

Corner Running Back Elbow Strike + DDT

Corner Running Back Elbow Strike + DDT + Kip Up

Outside Double DDT

Outside DDT


DDT + Kip Up


Heavy Rain

Shotgun Dropkick

Dropkick to the Back


Reverses a Kamigoye with a Dropkick

Corner Back Elbow Strike

Corner Running Back Elbow Strike

Feint School Boy + Running European Uppercut to a Kneeling Opponent

Running European Uppercut to a Kneeling Opponent

Put Opponent on the Top Rope

Put Opponent on the Top Rope + Dropkick

Dropkick to a Opponent on the Top Rope


Outside Throw to the Barricade

Outside Running Crossbody

Outside Running Crossbody to 2 Opponents

Outside Running Crossbody to 3 Opponents

Leapfrog + Arm-Drag

Outside Elevated DDT

Body Slam

Diving Elbow Drop

Missile Dropkick

Missile Dropkick to a Seated Opponent

Reverse Neckbreaker

Escapes a Brainbuster + Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

Escapes a Powerbomb + Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

Dropkick + Tombstone Piledriver

Tombstone Piledriver on the Apron

Tombstone Piledriver

German Suplex

Reverses a OsCutter with a Standing Money Clip

Standing Money Clip

Reverses a Sliding Lariat with a Money Clip

STO Backbreaker + Money Clip

Tombstone Piledriver + Money Clip

Money Clip

Escapes from a Lariat + Spinning Rainmaker

Escapes from a Strombreaker + Spinning Rainmaker

Spinning Rainmaker

Reverses a Stormbreaker with a Rainmaker

Backslide Rainmaker

Reverses a Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster with a German Suplex + Rainmaker

German Suplex + Rainmaker

Rainmaker Pose
