Jordan Devlin


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Low Blow

Backslide Roll-Up

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Flying Shoulder Tackle



European Uppercut

Boxing Punches Sequence

Right Hook

Back Elbow

 Forearm Smash

 Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Forearm Smashes


Running Headbutt

Corner Chop

Corner Chops

Corner Forearm Smashes

Running Corner Forearm Smash

Running Corner Facewash

John Woo

Top Rope Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Avalanche Slingshot Cutter

Avalanche Spanish Fly

Diving Plancha

Moonsault Press

450° Splash

Chop in a Opponent on the Ropes

Rope-Hung Backstabber

Cherry Mint DDT

Apron Enzuigiri Kick to Inside

Apron Uranage Slam to Inside + Slingshot Moonsault

Slingshot Cutter

Float-Over Vertical Suplex in a Opponent on the Apron to Inside

Suicide Dive

Topé con Hilo

Apron Penalty Kick to the Outside

Moonsault Plancha

Outside Forearm Smash

Bow and Arrow

Sleeper Hold

Rear Naked Choke

Arm-Trapped Stomps to the Head

Arm-Trapped Stomps to Back of the Head

Wheelbarrow Roll Double Foot Stomp

Standing Moonsault

Uranage Slam

Uranage Slam + Standing Moonsault

Canadian Backbreaker

Saito Suplex

German Suplex

Rebound German Suplex

Release Tiger Suplex

Bridge Tiger Suplex

Knee Strike

Running Knee Strike

Shining Wizard

Bicycle Knee Strike

Bicycle Knee Strike to a Kneeling Opponent

Running Meteora

Shoot Kick of a Running Opponent

Shoot Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Shoot Kicks to a Kneeling Opponent

Dropkick in Mid-Air

Calf Kick

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick

Reverses a Stormbreaker with a Frankensteiner

Reverses a Stormbreaker with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Spanish Fly


Reverses a Tombstone Piledriver with a Spike Rana

Reverse Rana

Irish Destroyer

Rolling Irish Destroyer


Devil Inside

Ireland's Call

Package Piledriver

Float Over Package Piledriver