Low Ki


Entrance with Title

Crucifix Roll-Up

Mongolian Chop



European Uppercut

Running Back Elbow

Elbow Strikes to the Side of the Head


Headbutt to a Kneeling Opponent

Corner Chop

Corner Bionic Elbows

Corner Shoot Kick

Corner Lariat

Tidal Crush

Corner Handspring Double Back Kick

John Woo

Tope Rope Tidal Crush

Bite of the Dragon in a Opponent on the Top Rope

Bite of the Dragon

Gourdbuster on the Ropes

Tarantula Cross Armbreaker 

Reverses a Catapult on the Corner with a Springboard Warrior's Way

Tidal Wave

Baseball Slide

Outside Body Slam

Abdominal Stretch

Snapmare + Powerdrive Elbow

Body Slam

Float-Over Vertical Suplex

Snapmare + Dropkick to the Back of the Head

Standing Warrior's Way

Sunset Flip Roll-Up into a Standing Warrior's Way

Wheelbarrow Roll into a Standing Warrior's Way

Reverses a Springboard Avalanche Hurricanrana with a Sunset Flip into a Standing Warrior's Way

Shoot Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Spinning Back Kick

Black Magic

Switchblade Kick

Spinning Back Kick + Switchblade Kick

Rolling Koppu Kick

Rolling Koppu Kick in Mid-Air

Modified Rear Naked Choke

Dragon Clutch

Ki Krusher

Warrior's Wrath

Rope-Hung Warrior's Way

Warrior's Way