Rich Swann


Entrance with Title

Crucifix Roll-Up

Reverse Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up




Right Hook

Right Hooks

Right Hooks + Left Hooks

Forearm Smash

Top Rope Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Top Rope Swannaca-rana

Diving Elbow Drop

Five Star Swann Splash

Swanton Bomb to the Outside

 Topé con Hilo

Corkscrew Plancha

Corkcrew Senton to the Outside

Apron Step-Up Enzuigiri to Inside

Apron Cannonball Senton to the Outside

Apron 450° Splash to the Outside

Outside Springboard Cannonball Senton of the Barricade

 Half Boston Crab

Horizontal Gory Special

Standing Moonsault

Cartwheel Standing Moonsault

Standing Shooting Swann Press

Leap from Swann Pond

Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam + Leap from Swann Pond

Standing Phoenix Splash

Snapmare + Soccer Kick to the Back

Basement Step-Up Back Kick 


Spinning Back Kick


Roundhouse Kick

Roundhouse Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Strike Sequence ended with a Roundhouse Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick

Swann Song

Strike Sequence ended with a Swann Song

Reverses a Powerbomb with a DDT

Slingshot Rolling Thunder DDT

Reverse Rana

Backrolling Cutter

Handspring Cutter

2 Handspring Cutters in Sequence

Fantastic Voyage

450° Splash

Phoenix Splash