Shingo Takagi (NJPW)

Backstage Talk

Backstage Talk


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Drinks Beer

Whiskey Mist

Gedo Clutch

Shoulder Toss

Shoulder Tackle

 Rope-Leaned Kitchen Sink + Shoulder Tackle

Hip Toss + Shoulder Tackle


Corner Chop

Corner Chops + Right Hooks

Two-Handed Chop

Elbow Smash

Arm-Trapped Elbow Strikes

Multiple Elbow Smashes

Multiple Elbow Smashes + Sliding Elbow Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Sliding Elbow Smash to the Back of the Head

Diving Elbow Drop

Body Slam + Diving Elbow Drop


Topé con Hilo

Half Boston Crab

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Corner Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Slingshot Stomp

Jumping Knee Drop

Jumping Knee Drop to the Back

Senton Bomb

Exploder Suplex

German Suplex

Snap German Suplex

Wheelbarrow Suplex on the Corner

Wheelbarrow Suplex

Dragon Suplex

Backdrop Suplex

Arm-Trap Backdrop Suplex

Snap Backdrop Suplex

Lariat to the Arm + Backdrop Suplex

Outside DDT

Outside Fireman's Carry Gutbuster on the Apron + DDT


Fireman's Carry Gutbuster + DDT

Pop-Up Fireman's Carry Gutbuster + DDT

Fireman's Carry Drop on the Ropes + DDT

Double Knee Gutbuster

Neck Screw

Suplex Lift-Up Neck Screw


Rope-Leaned Kitchen Sink + Brainbuster

Deadlift Brainbuster

Avalanche Brainbuster

Deadlift Avalanche Brainbuster

Powerbomb from the Top Rope

Folding Powerbomb

Takagi Style GTR

Death Valley Bomb on the Apron

Pop-Up Death Valley Bomb on the Apron

Death Valley Bomb

Pumphandle Death Valley Bomb

Pop-Up Death Valley Bomb

Outside Pop-Up Death Valley Bomb

Cozy Crush Dynamite

Escapes from a Powerbomb + Lariat


Back Elbow + Right Hook + Lariat

Right Hook + Headbutt + Lariat

Double Lariat

Sliding Lariat

Snapmare + Sliding Lariat

Release Suplex + Sliding Lariat

Ripcord Lariat


Reverses a Lariat with a NOSHIGAMI


Escapes from a Fireman's Carry + MADE IN JAPAN


Pumping Bomber to Outside

Corner Pumping Bomber

Corner Pumping Bomber + Pumping Bomber

Pumping Bomber

Last of the Dragon