
Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Shoulder Tackle


Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash to a Kneeling Oponnent

Elbow Smashes

Multiple Elbow Smashes

Corner Elbow Smashes


Abdominal Stretch

Scissors Lock

Waki Gatame

Reverses a Lariat with a Waki Gatame

Kimura Lock

Reverses a Figure Four Leg Lock with a Kimura Lock

Tilt-a-Whirl Kimura Lock

Apron Juji Gatame

Juji Gatame

Lift Up German into a Juji Gatame

Reverses a Pinfall with a Juji Gatame

Flying Juji Gatame

Backstabber + Juji Gatame

Escapes from a Fireman's Carry + Backstabber + Juji Gatame

Ura Juji Gatame

Triangle Choke

Sleeper Hold

Rear Naked Choke

Soccer Kick to the Arm

Snapmare + Soccer Kick to the Back

Apron PK to the Outside 


Leapfrog + Slides Under + Dropkick

Kitchen Sink

Jumping Knee Strike

German Suplex

Lariat to the Arm + German Suplex

Snap German Suplex

Deadlift German Suplex

2 German Suplexes

Deadlift German Suplex + German Suplex

2 Deadlift German Suplexes

2 German Suplexes + Lift Up German into a Juji Gatame

Deadlift German Suplex + German Suplex + Lift Up German into a Juji Gatame

Rebound German Suplex

Double German Suplex

German Suplex Hold

Deadlift German Suplex Hold

Rebound German Suplex Hold

Cross-Arm German Suplex Hold

Corner Lariat

Throw in the Corner + Corner Lariat

Corner Lariats

Corner Northern Lariat

Northern Lariat


Lariat Rebounded from the Corner

Multiple Elbow Smashes + Lariat

Corner Lariat + Lariat

Ignoring a Middle Kick + Lariat


Dropdown + Spear

Double Spear

Belly-to-Back Backstabber


Pop-Up Powerbomb


Deadlift Powerbreaker

Deadlift Powerbomb + Deadlift Powerbreaker

Pop-Up Powerbreaker

Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbreaker


Cross-Arm Piledriver

Backslide + Cross-Arm Piledriver

Shock Arrow