Willie Mack


Entrance with Title



Running Hurricanrana

Corner Chop


Pop-Up Elbow Smash


John Woo

Multiples Corner Inverted Cannonball Senton to a Different Opponents

Inverted Cannonball Senton

Corner Running Elbow Smash

Corner Running Elbow Smash + Corner Running Big Boot + Inverted Cannonball Senton

Corner Running Big Boot

Outside Running Big Boot


Spinning Leg Lariat

Leg Lariat

Jumping Leg Lariat

Outside Spinning Body Slam

Jumping Leg Drop

Spinning Body Slam + Jumping Leg Drop

Standing Shooting Star Press

Standing Moonsault

Double Standing Moonsault

Reverses a Second Rope Diving Crossbody with a Samoan Drop

Reverses a Diving Move with a Samoan Drop

Samoan Drop

Samoan Drop + Kip-Up + Standing Moonsault

Double Samoan Drop

Double Samoan Drop + Kip-Up + Double Standing Moonsault

Fallaway Slam + Kip-Up + Standing Moonsault


Topé con Hilo

Running Vertical Suplex

Rebound German Suplex

German Suplex

Exploder Suplex

Reverses a Middle Rope Diving Move with a Exploder Suplex

Exploder Suplex



Jumping Reverse Bulldog

Blockbuster to a Seated Opponent

Reverses a Springboard Leg Drop Bullbog with a Sitout Powerbomb

Reverses a Rolling Move with a Crucifix Powerbomb

Sitout Spinebuster

Elbow Smash + Sitout Spinebuster

Pop-Up Flatliner

Running Crossbody

Corner Lariat

Multiple Corner Lariats to a Different Opponents

Diving Lariat

Double Lariat


Dragon Strike

Chocolate Thunder Bomb

Chocolate Thunder Driver

Pop-Up Stunner

Reverses a Diving Move with a Stunner

Blocks a Superkick + Stunner


Six Star Frog Splash to the Back

Six Star Frog Splash