Chris Brookes


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Reverse Roll-Up

Reverses a Powerbomb with a Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Whelbarrow Roll-Up

Back Body Drop


Chop to a Kneeling Opponent

Chops + Slaps

Corner Chop

Top Rope Enzuigiri Kick

 Diving Senton to the Back

Running Corner Back Elbow + Diving Senton to the Back

Diving Senton to a Table Outside

Suicide Dive

Outside Diving Double Foot Stomp in a Opponent trapped on the Barricade

Outside Figure-Four Leglock to a Opponent Trapped on the Barricade

Kimura Lock

Rope-Hung Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Outside Grounded Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Snapmare + Senton

Avalanche Butterfly Suplex

Push a Opponent on the Ropes + Rebound German Suplex

Leg Hook German Suplex

Bicycle Kick

Bicycle Knee Strike

 Jumping Knee Strike

Running Knee Strike to a Seated Opponent

Corner Codebreaker to Inside

Michinoku Driver

Tombstone Piledriver

Outside Whiplash Neckbreaker using a Table

Slingshot Cutter

Slingshot Cutter + Whiplash Neckbreaker

Reverses a Diving Move with a Cutter

Outside Octopus Stretch

Octopus Stretch

Death by Something

Death by Roll-Up

Praying Mantis Bomb on the Floor

Low Blow + Praying Mantis Bomb

Praying Mantis Bomb