Tracy Williams


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

La Magistral

School Boy Roll-Up




Forearm Smash

Running Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Forearm Smashes

Corner Chop

Corner Forearm Smash

Corner Forearm Smashes

Corner Lariat

Corner Lariat + Discus Lariat

Single-Underhook Suplex on the Corner

Avalanche Single-Underhook Suplex

Missile Dropkick

Diving Bulldog

Diving DDT

Avalanche DDT on the Top Corner

Avalanche DDT on the Top Corner + Missile Dropkick

Avalanche DDT on the Top Corner + Diving DDT

Avalanche DDT on the Top Corner + Lariat

Avalanche DDT on the Top Corner + Brainbuster

Diving Splash

Rope-Hung Triangle Armbar

Kimura Lock

Snap Suplex into a Kimura Lock

Fujiwara Armbar

Cross Armbreaker


Ankle Lock

Half Boston Crab


Russian Leg Sweep into a La Escalera

Octopus Hold

Octopus Hold into a Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Guillotine Choke

Reverses a Powerbomb with a DDT + Guillotine Choke

Snapmare + Soccer Kick to the Back

Big Boot

Shotgun Dropkick

Float-Over Single-Underhook Suplex

Back Suplex

Leg Hook Back Suplex

Leg Hook Saito Suplex

Olympic Slam

Avalanche Olympic Slam


Discus Lariat

Doctor Bomb

Michinoku Driver

Death Valley Driver



Avalanche Piledriver

 Reverses a Brainbuster with a Crossface

Reverses a Rear Naked Choke with a Crossface

Reverses a Springboard Clothesline with a Crossface

Reverses a Swinging Death Valley Driver with a Crossface

Crossface after a Opponent Kick Out
