Joe Coffey


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Titles

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Reverse Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Shoulder Tackle

Flying Shoulder Tackle

Open-Handed Chop


Chop to a Kneeling Opponent


European Uppercut

European Uppercuts

Pop-Up European Uppercut

Superman Punch

Forearm Smash

Corner Open-Handed Chop

Corner Chops

Corner Clothesline

Corner Body Splash

Corner Body Splashes

 Corner Body Splash + Running Bulldog

Running Corner Back Elbow

Catapult on the Corner

John Woo

Battering Ram

Avalanche Overhead Belly-To-Belly Suplex

Missile Dropkick

Diving Plancha

Diving Splash to the Back

Springboard Crossbody

Outside Chop

Outside European Uppercut

Outside European Uppercut in Mid-Air

Outside Forearm Smash

Outside Closthesline Over the Barricade

Outside Body Splash Over the Barricade

Half Boston Crab

Modifited Boston Crab


Front Dropkick

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Pendulum Backbreaker

Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam

Pop-Up Falling Powerslam

Deadlift Vertical Suplex

Butterfly Suplex

Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

German Suplex

German Suplex + Jon Woo

Snap German Suplex

Deadlift German Suplex

Bridge German Suplex

Reverses a Running Corner Back Elbow with a Bridge German Suplex

Deadlift Bridge German Suplex

Spear in Mid-Air

Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

Wheelbarrow Swing + Sitout Facebuster

Butterfly Swing + Butterfly Suplex

Giant Swing + Folding Press

Giant Swing + No Mercy

No Mercy


All the Best for the Bells