
Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Backslide Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Forearm Smash

Ripcord Forearm Smash

Corner Springboard Moonsault

Topé con Hilo

Moonsault Plancha

Double Foot Stomp

Escapes from a Powerbomb + Double Foot Stomp

Feint Spinning Heel Kick + Kick to the Leg + PK + Double Foot Stomp

Double Foot Stomp to a Seated Opponent

Leaping Double Foot Stomp

Running German Suplex

Rebound German Suplex

Release German Suplex

Bridge German Suplex

Push a Opponent on the Corner + Bridge German Suplex

Deadlift Bridge German Suplex

Snapmare + Sliding Kick

Middle Kick

Middle Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Middle Kicks

Bicycle Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Hangman's Roundhouse Kick

Counter Roundhouse Kick

Strike Sequence + Roundhouse Kick

Buzzsaw Kick

Kitchen Sink

Blackout Rush Combo

Jumping Knee Strike

Outside Bicycle Knee Strike

Bicycle Knee Strike

Strike Sequence + Bicycle Knee Strike

Reverses a Diving Move with a Bicycle Knee Strike

Reverses a Suicide Dive with a Bicycle Knee Strike

Bicycle Knee to the Back

Bicycle Knee Strike to the Arm + Bridge German Suplex

Bicycle Knee Strike + Bridge German Suplex

Spinning Knee Strike + Bridge German Suplex

Spinning Knee Strike to the Back + Bridge German Suplex

Outside Running Meteora from the Ramp to a Opponent on the Crowd

Second Rope Diving Meteora

Pop-Up Meteora


Spinning Heel Kick

Reverses a Rolling Lariat with a Spinning Heel Kick

Spinning Heel Kick + Bridge German Suplex

Anti Cross

Dragon Slayer

Reverses a Michinoku Driver with a Dragon Slayer

Crescent Moon Stomp to the Back

Crescent Moon Stomp