Chad Gable


Reverses a Sunset Flip Roll-Up with a Inverted Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Backslide Roll-Up

Jackknife Roll-Up

Oklahoma Roll-Up

Reverses a Powerbomb with a Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up

Slap to a Kneeling Opponent

European Uppercut

Forearm Smash
Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Forearm Smashes + European Uppercuts

Forearm Smashes to a Kneeling Opponent

Corner Monkey Flip

Springboard Sunset Flip Roll-Up

Top Rope Slap

Missile Dropkick

Rope-Hung Triangle Armbar

Outside Release German Suplex

Corkscrew Neckbreaker

Rolling Kick

Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

2 Belly-to-Belly Suplexex

Bridge Pumphandle Suplex

One-Arm Deadlift School Boy Suplex

Rebound German Suplex

2 German Suplexes

Bridge Dragon Suplex

Folding Tiger Driver

Tiger Driver with Jackknife Roll-Up

Over the Shoulder DDT

Moonsault Press

Chaos Theory

Ankle Lock