Adam Cole


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title


Adam Cole BAY BAY

Shoulder Tackle + Adam Cole BAY BAY

Crucifix Roll-Up

Back Elbow

Forearm Smash

Figure Four Leg Lock

Arm-Trap Crossface

Hangman's Neckbreaker


Outside Wheelbarrow Suplex on the Announcers Table

Outside Wheelbarrow Suplex on the Apron 

German Suplex

Florida Key

Backdrop Suplex

Top Rope Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Outside Jumping Enzuigiri to a Opponent Inside the Ring

 Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Bicycle Kick

Fake Superkick + Superkick to the Leg

Superkick to the Leg

Reverses a Diving Move with a Superkick

Reverses a Corner Springboard Move with a Superkick

Reverses a Slingshot Lariat with a Superkick

Reverses a Springboard Moonsault with a Superkick

Reverses a Suicide Dive with a Superkick


Superkick + Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent 

Superkick to a Kneeling Opponent 

Standing Shining Wizard

Superkick to the Back of the Head + Shining Wizard

Shining Wizard

 Rope-Hung Backstabber

Reverses a Fireman's Carry with a Backstabber

Reverses a Handspring Move with a Backstabber

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick + Backstabber


Reverse Ushigoroshi

Ushigoroshi from the Top Rope

Reverses a Leapfrog with a Ushigoroshi

Reverses a Slingshot DDT with a Ushigoroshi


Cross-Legged Last Call

Outside Last Call

Tilt-a-Whirl Last Call

Last Call

Outside Panama Sunsire from the Announcers Table

Panama Sunrise from the Apron to the Floor

Panama Sunrise on the Apron

Reverses a Bitter End with a Panama Sunrise

Rope-Hung Panama Sunrise

Panama Sunrise

Backrolls the Opponent into a Last Shot 

Low Blow + Last Shot

Superkick to the Back of the Head + Last Shot

Panama Sunrise + Last Shot

Last Shot