Jacob Fatu


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title


Double-Handed Chop


Uppercut of a Running Opponent

Back Elbow

Forearm Smashes


Headbutt to a Kneeling Opponent

Headbutts to a Kneeling Opponent

 Falling Headbutt

Corner Shoulder Thrus

Corner Shoulder Thrusts

Corner Chop

Corner Uppercut

Corner Forearm Smashes

Corner Headbutt

Corner Body Splash

Throw into the Corner + Running Corner Clothesline

Corner Hip Attack

Tree-Of- Woe Headbutt

Snap Suplex on the Corner

Springboard Corkscrew Senton

Springboard Clothesline

Suicide Dive

 Fosbury Flop

Outside Chop 

Outside Uppercut 

Outside Back Suplex on the Apron

Biel Toss

Body Slam

Reverses a Springboard Crossbody with a Swinging Side Slam

Reverses a Diving Move with a Swinging Side Slam


German Suplex


Doctor Bomb

Reverses a Springboard Moonsault with a Sitout Tombstone Piledriver

Handspring Standing Moonsault

Samoan Drop Catch in Mid-Air


Moonsault Press

Mighty Moonsault to the Back

Mighty Moonsault in Two Opponents

 Mighty Moonsault