Bryan Danielson


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Backslide Roll-Up

Crucifix Roll-Up

Reverses a Fireman's Carry with a Crucifix Roll-Up

Japanese Leg Roll Clutch

Small Package Roll-Up



Corner Slaps

European Uppercut

Corner European Uppercut

Diving European Uppercut from the Second Rope

Elbow Smash

Rolling Elbow

Running Corner Elbow Smash

Running Elbow Smash

Suicide Dive

Springboard Plancha

Diving Headbutt

Half Boston Crab

Rolling Half Boston Crab

Elevated Half Boston Crab

Bow and Arrow


Surfboard Sleeper

Figure Four Leg Lock

Bridging Figure Four Leg Lock

Arm Trap Cross-Legged STF

Danielson Special

Crossface Chickenwing

Surfboard Double Stomp to the Knees

Knee Mat Slam

Chop Block

Jumping Knee Drop

Snapmare + Jumping Knee Drop

Pendulum Backbreaker

Missile Kick

Missile Kick + Kip-Up

Snapmare + Soccer Kick to the Back


Leapfrog + Dropdown + Dropkick

Reverses a Springboard Move with a Dropkick

Corner Rolling Savate Kick

Buzzsaw Kick


Outside Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Single-Underhook Suplex

Double-Underhook Suplex Hold

Northern Lights Suplex

Vertical Suplex

Slingshot Vertical Suplex


Cravate Suplex

Avalanche Backdrop Suplex

German Suplex

German Suplex Hold

Rolling Elbow + German Suplex Hold


Tiger Suplex Hold

Grounded Elbows to the Side of the Head

Arm-Trapped Elbows to the Side of the Head

Cattle Mutilation

Takedown + Cattle Mutilation

O'Connor Roll + Cattle Mutilation

German Suplex Hold + Cattle Mutilation

Tiger Suplex Hold + Cattle Mutilation

Grounded Elbows to the Side of the Head + Cattle Mutilation

Arm-Trapped Elbows to the Side of the Head + Cattle Mutilation