Pastor William Eaver


Ring Introduction

Inverted Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

Shoulder Tackle

Flying Shoulder Tackle

European Uppercut

European Uppercut to the Back

Pop-Up European Uppercut

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Corner European Uppercut

Corner Forearm Smash

Throw into the Corner + Corner Back Elbow

Running Corner Back Elbow

Springboard Crossbody

Pope-ish Hammer to the Apron

Slingshot Clothesline



Outside Uranage Slam into the Apron

Avalanche Gourdbuster

Diving European Uppercut

Diving Headbutt

Side Slam Backbreaker

Side Slam

Uranage Slam

Running Powerslam

Fisherman Suplex

Uranage Backbreaker + Fisherman Suplex

Swinging Side Slam into a Lariat

Pope-ish Hammer

Jesus Wept

Clothesline From Heaven