Satoshi Kojima


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Shoulder Tackle

Corner Chop

Machine Gun Chop

Mongolian Chop

Mongolian Chops

Corner Elbow Smashes

Corner Running Elbow Smash

Running Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smashes + Rolling Elbow

Rolling Elbow

Diving Elbow Drop

Boston Crab

Sasori Gatame

Anaconda Vise

Anaconda Buster

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Body Slam

Backdrop Suplex


Kneecap Neckbreaker

DDT on the Apron


Avalanche Frankensteiner

Avalanche Cozy Cozy Cutter

Cozy Cozy Cutter

Rolling Elbow + Cozy Cozy Cutter

Brainbuster to a Opponent on the Apron



Lariat to the Arm

Push a Opponent on the Ropes + Northern Lariat

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Northern Lariat

Reverses a STO with a Northern Lariat

Feint Lariat + Northern Lariat

Double Lariat

Top Rope Lariat

Lariat to a Opponent on the Apron

Reverses a Diving Move with a Lariat

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Lariat
