Yuji Nagata


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Promo with Title


Corner Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smash

Ankle Hold

Fujiwara Armbar

Kimura Lock

Corner Middle Kicks

Middle Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Middle Kick

Corner Running Big Boot

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

High Kick

Spinning Wheel Kick


Kitchen Sink

Knee Lift

Shining Wizard

Justice Knee

Snap Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

Exploder of Justice on the Apron

Reverses a Cobra Clutch with a Exploder of Justice

Exploder of Justice

Running Corner Big Boot + Exploder of Justice

Avalanche Exploder of Justice

Dai☆Nakanishi German Suplex

Justice Knee + Backdrop Suplex

Reverses a Slingblade with a Backdrop Suplex

Reverses a Spinning Rainmaker with a Backdrop Suplex

Snap Backdrop Suplex

Backdrop Suplex


Driver Screw

Magic Screw

Nagata Lock II

Reverses a Slingblade with a Nagata Lock II

Nagata Lock III

Reverses a Lariat with a Shirome


Wrist Clutch Exploder of Justice

Backdrop Hold