Io Shirai



Shoulder Tackle


Top Rope Throat Thrust

Throat Thrust

Throat Thrusts

Elbow Smashes

Arm-Takedown on the Apron

Suicide Dive

Moonsault Plancha

Reverses a Pumphandle Powerbomb with a Juji Gatame

Reverses a Frog Splash with a Crossface


Tilt-a-Whirl Crossface

Wheelbarrow Double Foot Stomp

Tiger Feint Kick

Tiger Feint Kick to the Back of the Head

Pendulum Kick

Missile Kick

Springboard Missile Kick

Basement Dropkick

Flapjack + Sliding Single Leg Dropkick

Running Dropkick

Handstand Double Knee Drop

Corner Handstand Double Knee Strike

Shinkansen Attack

Rope-Hung Codebreaker

Sunset Flip Powerbomb in a Opponent on the Apron to the Announcers Table

Outside Brainbuster on the Announcers Table

Reverses a Pumphandle Powerbomb with a DDT

Arm-Trap Double Underhook Backbreaker

Reverses a Backslide with a Double Underhook Backbreaker

Avalanche Frankensteiner

Avalanche Brainbuster

Avalanche Spanish Fly

Top Rope German Suplex

Snap German Suplex

Wheelbarrow German Suplex

German Suplex Hold

Reverses a Springboard Move with a German Suplex Hold

Air Raid Crash

Harajuku Clutch

Asai Moonsault to the Back

Asai Moonsault