Jay White


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Promo with Title

Throws Opponent into the Referee

Chair Shot to the Leg

Outside Throw to the Ring Post

Outside Throw to the Barricade

Outside Leg Mat Slam in the Apron

Outside Chair Knee Slam

Outside Barricade Back Hit

Outside Apron Back Hit

Outside Apron Back Hit + Barricade Back Hit

Outside Barricade Back Hit + Apron Back Hit

Outside Hotshot


Back Elbow Strike

Slaps + Elbow Smash

Running Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Multiple Elbow Smashes

Outside Chop


Corner Chop

European Uppercut

Rope-Hung Running European Uppercut

Corner Running European Uppercut

Arm-Hold Stomps

Camel Clutch

Chop Block while opponent is on the Ropes

Chop Block

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Grounded Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Half Boston Crab


Elevated DDT

Outside DDT

Reverses a Lariat with a DDT

Atomic Drop + DDT


Outside Powerbomb on the Apron

Death Valley Driver

Reverses a Flying Forearm Smash with a Uranage

Reverses a Lariat with a Uranage

Avalanche Uranage


Straight Jacket Brainbuster


Snap Suplex to the Corner

Snap Suplex

Single Underhook Suplex into the Turnbuckle

Corner Running European Uppercut + Single Underhook Suplex

Single Underhook Suplex

Escapes from a Pumphandle Fireman's Carry + Sleeper Suplex

Escapes from a Destino + Sleeper Suplex

Sleeper Suplex

Reverses a Kamigoye with a Sleeper Suplex

Outside Butterfly Suplex to the Barricade

Saito Suplex to the Outside

Escapes from a Back Elbow Strike with a Saito Suplex

Saito Suplex


Apron Reverse STO

Reverse STO

Deadlift German Suplex

Escapes from a DDT + Reverse STO + Deadlift German Suplex

Reverse STO + Deadlift German Suplex

Blade Buster

Kiwi Krusher

Sharp Sensations

Modified Reverse Figure-Four Leglock

Escapse from a Northern Lights Bomb + Blade Runner

Straight Jacket Brainbuster + Blade Runner

Blade Runner