Mitsuharu Misawa


Entrance with Title


Misawa Flip

Elbow Suicida

Elbow Stamp

Back Elbow Strike

Multiple Elbow Smashes

Corner Back Spin Elbow Smash

Back Spin Elbow Smash

Multiple Elbow Smashes + Rolling Elbow Smash

Rolling Elbow Smash

Multiple Elbow Smashes + Running Elbow Smash

Running Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash to the Back of the Head of a Kneeling Opponent

Diving Elbow Smash to the Outside

Diving Elbow Smash

Escapes from a Roundhouse Kick + Elbow Smash

Reverses a Flying Shoulder Tackle with a Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash

Flying Lariat

Jumping Knee Strike

Sliding Baseball Kick

Spin Kick

Missile Dropkick


Camel Clutch

Inverted Cross Armbreaker

Standing Monkey Flip

Ultra Tiger Drop

Reverses a Backdrop Suplex with a Crossbody


Tiger Body Press

Reverses a Powerbomb into a Hurricanrana

Reverses a Shiranui with a Final Cut

Somersault Leg Drop to the Back

Body Slam

Body Slam + Senton Bomb

Senton Bomb

Vertical Suplex to the Outside

Backdrop Suplex

German Suplex Hold

German Suplex

Avalanche Tiger Suplex '85

Tiger Suplex '85

Tiger Suplex from the Entrance Ramp

Tiger Suplex

Tiger Driver '91

Elbow Smash + Tiger Driver

Tiger Driver

Emerald Flowsion Kai

Emerald Flowsion from the Top Rope

Avalanche Emerald Flowsion

Emerald Flowsion