Jungle Kyona


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction


Escapes from a Lariat + Shoulder Tackle

Shoulder Tackle



Multiple Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smash to a Running Opponent

Reverses a Triangle Springboard Move with a Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash

Blocks a Kick with a Lariat

Lariat to the Back of the Head

Two Short-Arm Lariat

Short-Arm Lariat

Short-Range Lariat

Sliding Lariat to the Back

Sliding Lariat to a Opponent Leaning on the Ropes

Snapmare + Sliding Lariat

Elbow Smash to a Running Opponent + Sliding Lariat

Corner Lariat + Sliding Lariat

Lariat to the Back of the Head + Sliding Lariat

Lariat + Sliding Lariat

Sliding Lariat

Corner Lariat to the Back of the Head

Corner Lariat + Corner Lariat

Corner Lariat

Rolling Lariat

Lariat to the Outside

Escapes from a Mist + Lariat

Feint Short-Arm Lariat + Lariat


Shotgun Dropkick to the Back

Front Dropkick to a Opponent with a Chair

Corner Body Splash + Front Dropkick

Front Dropkick

Rope-Hung Dropkick to the Back

Sliding Dropkick

Half Boston Crab

Reverses a Hurricanrana with a Boston Crab

Boston Crab

Gory Special

Scissors Headlock

Scorpion Deathlock

Sleeper Hold Giant Swing

Slingshot Body Press to the Back

Diving Body Press to the Back

Diving Body Press

Rope-Hung Body Splash to the Back

Two Running Splash to the Back

Running Splash to the Back

Corner Body Splash

Shoulder Tackle + Running Splash

Body Slam + Running Splash

Running Splash

Dragon Screw

Fallaway Slam

Body Slam

Gory Special Gutbreaker

Avalanche Scoop Powerslam

Scoop Powerslam

Snap Suplex

Reverses a Guillotine Choke with a Vertical Suplex

Vertical Suplex

Reverses a Guillotine Choke with a Brainbuster

Sitout Powerbomb from the Corner

Pop-Up Sitout Powerbomb

Powerbomb to the Apron

Ganso Bomb

Jungle Buster from the Top Rope

Jungle Buster

Sliding Lariat + Hammer Throw Powerbomb

Ganso Bomb + Hammer Throw Powerbomb

Hammer Throw Powerbomb