Jay Lethal


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Low Blow

O'Connor Roll

Small Package Roll-Up



Slap to a Kneeling Opponent

European Uppercut

Running Back Elbow

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes + Chops

Corner Chop 

Corner Forearm Smash

Running Corner Chop

Running Corner Forearm Smash

Tope Rope Chop

Reverses a Avalanche Hurricanrana with a Sitout Powerbomb

Chop in a Opponent on the Ropes

Triangle Dropkick

Suicide Dive

Suicide Dive to the Back

Cutter on the Apron

Apron Cutter to the Floor

Outside Chop

Outside European Uppercut

Outside Body Slam

Cutter on the Floor

Outside STO on the Barricade

Torture Rack

Figure Four Leg Lock

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Shin Breaker

Pendulum Backbreaker

Spinning Back Kick


Snapmare + Basment Dropkick to the Back

Cartwheel + Low Dropkick

Hip Toss + Cartwheel + Basement Dropkick

Bicycle Kick

Calf Kick

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick


Bicycle Kick + EnzuFury



Running Knee Strike

Snap Suplex

Scoop Powerslam

Rolling Torture Rack Slam

Rolling Torture Rack Slam Catch in Mid-Air


Flying Clothesline

Kick to the Gut + DDT

Death Valley Driver

Headlock Driver


Arm-Trap Cutter

Reverses a OsCutter with a Cutter

Reverses a Frog Splash with a Cutter

Springboard Cutter

Rolling Cutter

Hail to the King

Lethal Combination 

Lethal Injection