Masaaki Mochizuki


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Crucifix Roll-Up

Corner Open-Handed Chop

Open-Handed Chop

Closed Fist Punch

Outside Apron Kara Quebrada

La Quebrada

Tope Masaaki

Half Boston Crab


Cross-Legged Kneebar

Kneeling Sasori Gatame

Ankle Hold

Reverses a German Suplex Hold with a Double Wrist Lock

Reverses a Lariat with a Waki Gatame

Waki Gatame

Reverses a Chokeslam with a Buko-Gatame


Reverses a Sliding Lariat with a Saikyou Juji

Saikyou Juji

Triangle Choke 

Reverses a Brainbuster with a Kuroki Hikari

Kuroki Hikari

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Shin Breaker on the Apron

Gourdbuster on the Apron



Shin Breaker + Running Leg Sweep

Running Leg Sweep

Outside Dropkick to the Leg to a Opponent on the Apron

Corner Facewashes + Running Corner Facewash

Snapmare + Soccer Kick to the Back

Corner Spinning Back Kick

Spinning Back Kick

Middle Kick

Middle Kicks

Running Middle Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Wagamamana Hizakozou

Step-Up Enzuigiri Kick

Overhead Kick

Corner Kakato Otoshi to Inside

Escapes from a Leg Sweep + Knee Lift

Step-Up Knee Lift

Reverses a Spear with a Knee Lift

Corner Kenka Kick

Kenka Kick

Super Kenka Kick


Capture Suplex

Gutwrench Suplex

Dragon Suplex

Dragon Suplex Hold


Avalanche Brainbuster


Ura Twister

Diving Double Foot Stomp


Shin Saikyou High Kick + Saikyou High Kick + Kakato Otoshi

Shin Saikyou High Kick + Saikyou High Kick + Kakato Otoshi + Illusion

Escapes from a German Suplex + Buzzsaw Kick to the Back of the Head

Buzzsaw Kick

Wagamamana Hizakozou + Buzzsaw Kick

Spinning Heel Kick + Buzzsaw Kick


Wagamamana Hizakozou + Sekkai

Top Rope Shin Saikyou High Kick

Shin Saikyou High Kick

Kick to the Leg + Shin Saikyou High Kick

Arm-Hold Shin Saikyou High Kick

Shin Saikyou High Kick + Running Middle Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Shin Saikyou High Kick + Sekkai + Kakato Otoshi + Thrust Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Illusion + Shin Saikyou High Kick

Saikyou High Kick + Shin Saikyou High Kick + Kakato Otoshi + Shin Saikyou High Kick

Shin Saikyou High Kick + Saikyou High Kick + Kakato Otoshi + Shin Saikyou High Kick

Shin Saikyou High Kick + Saikyou High Kick + Kakato Otoshi + Shin Saikyou High Kick


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