Masato Yoshino


Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Crucifix Roll-Up

Reverses a Pop-Up Death Valley Driver with a Crucifix Roll-Up

Speed Star

Pop-Up Hurricanrana

Reverses a Gutwrench Powerbomb with a Hurricanrana

Reverses a Powerbomb with a Back Body Drop

Open-Handed Chop

Open-Handed Chop to a Kneeling Opponent

Open-Handed Chop to a Running Opponent

Running Open-Handed Chop

Open-Handed Chops


Outside Ashi Yoshino I

Ashi Yoshino I

Ripcord Ashi Yoshino I

Ashi Yoshino II

From Jungle

La Escalera


Diving Double Foot Stomp to the Arm 

Missile Kick

Missile Kick to the Back of the Head

Suicide Dive

Single Leg Dropkick on the Back to the Outside + Suicide Dive

Moonsault Plancha

Jungle Throw

Single Leg Dropkick

Reverses a Leapfrog with a Single Leg Dropkick

Yoshino-style Dropkick


Stalling Brainbuster

Powerbomb Catch from the Top Rope

Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbomb


Somersault Reverse DDT

Sling Blade

Springboard Avalanche Sling Blade

''Another'' Another Space

Lightning Spiral

Counter Lightning Spiral

Ude Yoshino


Double Torbellino

Sol Naciente

Torbellino + Sol Naciente

Sol Naciente Kai