
Entrance with Title


Promo with Title

Ring Introduction

Shoulder Tackle


Corner Chops

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes

Arm-Trap Elbow Smashes

Running Elbow Smash

Running Corner Elbow Smash

Throw to the Corner + Running Corner Elbow Smash

Topé con Hilo

Rope-Hung Guillotine Choke

Half Boston Crab

Ankle Hold

Reverses a Sankakugeri with a Ankle Hold

Juji Gatame

Flying Juji Gatame

Butterfly Lock

Rolling Butterfly Lock


CBV after a Opponent Kick Out

Reverses a Lariat with CBV

Triangle Choke

Frankensteiner into a Triangle Choke

Doujime Sleeper

Reverses a Last of the Dragon with a Doujime Sleeper

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Dropkick to the Leg

Corner Dropkick to the Leg


Arm-Drag + Dropkick

Missile Kick

Gourdbuster + Punt Kick

School Boy + Punt Kick + Go 2 Hospital I

Knee Strike to a Running Opponent

Exploder Suplex

School Boy + Punt Kick + Go 2 Hospital I + Exploder Suplex

Snap German Suplex

Sleeper Suplex


Avalanche Brainbuster

Brainbuster to a Opponent on the Apron

Brainbuster on the Apron

Outside Brainbuster

Go 2 Hospital I

Escapes from a Lariat + Go 2 Hospital I

Multiples Go 2 Hospital I

Go 2 Hospital I + Brainbuster

Go 2 Hospital II

Push to the Corner + Go 2 Hospital II

Throw to the Corner + Go 2 Hospital II

Push to the Corner + Go 2 Hospital II + Throw to the Corner + Go 2 Hospital II

Top Rope Go 2 Hospital II

Go 2 Hospital II + Brainbuster

Frankensteiner of The Almighty

Reverses a Deadlift Powerbomb with a Frankensteiner of The Almighty

Hurricane Gallaria

Sleeper Suplex + Hurricane Gallaria

Go 2 Hospital I + Hurricane Gallaria

Counter Gallaria


Doujime Sleeper + Gallaria
