Samoa Joe (NXT)


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title


Mongolian Chop


Running Back Elbow

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes 

Rolling Elbow

Forearm Smashes + Rolling Elbow

Corner Chop

Corner Jabs

Corner Jabs + Chops

Corner Facewashes

Running Corner Facewash

Corner Facewashes + Running Corner Facewash

CCS Enzuigiri

Running Corner European Uppercut + CCS Enzuigiri

Throw on the Corner + Running Corner European Uppercut + CCS Enzuigiri


Suicide Dive

Outside Chop

Outside Shoot Kick

Outside Running STO

Outside STJoe

Outside STO on the Steel Steps

Boston Crab

Rolling Kneebar



Dragon Sleeper


Omoplata Scissored Armbar

Running Senton

Snapmare + Flashing Elbow Drop

Chop to the Back + Soccer Kick + Flashing Elbow Drop

Chop to the Back + Soccer Kick + Jumping Knee Drop

Rolling Shin Sweep

Sitout Shin Breaker

Exploder Suplex

Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex

German Suplex

Scoop Powerslam

Shoot Kicks in a Opponent on the Ropes

Shoot Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Running Big Boot 

Inverted Atomic Drop + Running Big Boot 

Inverted Atomic Drop Catch in Mid-Air + Running Big Boot
Inverted Atomic Drop + Running Big Boot + Running Senton

Jumping Enzuigiri Kick

Kawada Kicks

Leg Lariat

Knee Lift

 Folding Powerbomb



Top Rope CCS Enzuigiri

Muscle Buster

Kokina Clutch