
Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Backstage Talk


Breaks Pinfall

Outside Apron Back Hit

Outside Chair Shot to a Opponent with a Chair in the Head

Outside Chair Shot to the Gut

Apron Headbutt

Lariat to the Arm + Headbutt


Shoulder Tackle

Double Axe Handle to the Arm

Outside Chop

Corner Chop

Lariat to the Arm + Double Chop

Double Chop

Elbow Stamp

Rebound Back Elbow Strike

Elbow Smash to the Leg

Elbow Smash to Opponent on the Apron

Elbow Smash + Discus Elbow Smash

Discus Elbow Smash

Multiple Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smash

Rope-Hung Lariat to the Back + Stomp

Superkick to the Gut

Kick to the Gut

Apron Arm-Breaker to the Ropes


Knee Smash

Ankle Lock

Arm-Throw to the Corner

Outside Throw Opponent to the Barricade

Bronco Buster

Running Bulldog

Double Chop + Senton Bomb

Diving Senton Bomb

Senton Bomb

Corner Discus Lariat

Corner Lariat

Lariat to a Opponent on the Top Rope

Lariat to a Opponent on the Apron

Lariat to the Outside

Lariat to the Arm

Blocks a Kick + Lariat

Blocks a Bicycle Knee Strike + Lariat

Double Axe Handle to the Arm + Discus Elbow Smash + Lariat

Headbutt + Discus Elbow Smash + Lariat


Releasing Powerslam

Body Slam

Side Slam


Outside Apron Assisted Magic Killer

Rope Assisted Magic Killer

Pendulum Backbreaker

Escapes from a Triangle Choke with a Release Powerbomb


Outside Snap Suplex

Turnbuckle Snap Suplex

Escapes from a Guillotine Choke with a Vertical Suplex

Vertical Suplex

Escapes from a Fireman's Carry with a German Suplex

German Suplex

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Half & Half Suplex

Two Half & Half Suplex

Half & Half Suplex

Fisherman Buster

Banshee Muzzle

Escapes from a Kamigoye with a Darkness Scorpion

Darkness Scorpion

Rolling Darkness Falls

Outside Darkness Falls to Multiple Chairs

Escapes from a Octopus Hold with a Darkness Falls

Lariat + Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls

Apron Everything is EVIL Through a Table

Reverses a Rainmaker with a Everything is EVIL

Everything is EVIL