Tyler Bate


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Titles

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Ring Introduction with Titles



Back Body Drop


Hammer Fists to the Chest

European Uppercut

European Uppercut to a Kneeling Opponent

Reverses a Springboard Move with a European Uppercut

European Uppercuts

Gorilla Press European Uppercut

Boxing Punches Sequence

Bop and Bang

Forearm Smash

Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Forearm Smashes

Corner European Uppercut

Corner Boxing Punches Sequence

Corner Knee Lift to Inside

Running Corner European Uppercut

Running Corner European Uppercut + Exploder Suplex

Space Rolling Elbow

Diving European Uppercut

Top Rope Dropkick

Top Rope Headbutt

Avalanche Exploder Suplex

Suicide Dive to the Back

Vaulting Plancha

Moonsault Plancha

Apron Headbutt to Inside

720 DDT

German Suplex on the Apron

Apron Exploder Suplex to the Outside

Outside Suplex

Reverses a Suicide Dive with a European Uppercut

Outside Flying European Uppercut from the Steel Steps

Standing Shooting Star Press

Standing Shooting Star Press to the Back

Arm-Trapped Stomps to the Head

Snapmare + Soccer Kick to the Back



Reverses a Slice of Heaven with a Superkick

Discus Big Boot

Body Slam

Gorilla Press Slam

Vertical Suplex

Exploder Suplex

Wrist-Lock Exploder Suplex

Reverses a Running Corner Back Elbow with a Exploder Suplex

Deadlift Backdrop Hold

Bridge German Suplex

Deadlift Bridge German Suplex


Reverses a Triangle Choke with a Deadlift Powerbomb

Reverses a Powerbomb with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Giant Swing

Airplane Spin

Airplane Spin Drop


Delayed Brainbuster

Tombstone Piledriver

Gotch Tombstone Piledriver

Reverses a Tilt-a-Whirl DDT with a Gotch Tombstone Piledriver

Outside Gotch Tombstone Piledriver

Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

 Bitter End

Burning Hammer

Rebound Lariat

Rolling Kapoo Kick

Rebound Rolling Kapoo Kick

Spiral Tap

Folding Tyler Driver '97 

Tyler Driver '97