Post-Match Walk Towards Backstage with Titles

Backstage Comments


Interview with Titles


Promo with Titles


Entrance with Titles

Double Shoulder Block

Frankensteiner by Nakajima + Chop by Shiozaki

Shiozaki's Corner Chop followed by Nakajima's Running Big Boot

Shiozaki throws opponent in the Corner + Nakajima's Running Big Boot followed by Shiozaki's Corner Chop

Throw Opponent in the Corner + Shiozaki's Corner Chop followed by Nakajima's Running Big Boot

Nakajima Throws Opponent into a Chop by Shiozaki

Shiozaki Throws Opponent into a Middle Kick by Nakajima

Nakajima escapes from Attack in the Corner + Shiozaki's Corner Chop

Nakajima's Kick from the Apron followed by a Lariat from Shiozaki

Middle Kick and Chop Combination on a Seated Oponent

Double Thrust Kick

Fisherman Buster and Thrust Kick Combination

Middle Kick and Chop Combination


Celebration with Titles