Rocky Romero


Ring Introduction


Fist Bump

Eye Rake + Backslide Roll Up

Reverses a Lariat with a Backslide Roll Up

Backslide Roll Up

Reverses a German Suplex with a Wheelbarrow Roll Up

Wheelbarrow Roll Up

School Boy Roll Up

Small Package

Reverses a CRII with a Hurricanrana

Reverses a Stormbreaker with a Hurricanrana

Outside Slap

Corner Slap


Corner Multiple Chops



Elbow Stamp

Elbow Smash

Arm Drag

Apron Arm-Breaker to the Ropes

Diving Knee Smash to the Arm

Reverses a Spear with a Knee Strike

Two Running Knee Strike to a Cornored Opponent

Running Knee Strike to a Cornored Opponent

Escapes from a Hidden Blade with a Jumping Knee Strike

Jumping Knee Strike

Kick to the Arm of a Kneeling Opponent

Kick to the Arm

Spinning Middle Kick

Rewind Kick

Escapes from a Ankle Lock with a Enzuigiri

Snapmare + Sliding Low Dropkick

Reverses a Slingshot Move with a Dropkick

Reverses a Diving Move with a Dropkick


Octopus Hold


Suicide Dive

Slingshot Crossbody

Slingshot Hurricanrana


Outside Back Body Drop

Diving Swanton Bomb to the Outside

Corner Lariat to Two Opponents

Two Corner Lariat

Corner Lariat

Escapes from a Powerbomb with a Lariat

Jumping Knee Strike + Lariat


Springboard Tornado DDT

Tilt-A-Whirl DDT

Rope-Hung Slingshot Double Foot Stomp to the Back

Pinfall + Cross Armbreaker

Reverses a Calf Crusher with a Cross Armbreaker

Reverses a Dragon Screw Leg Whip with a Cross Armbreaker

Reverses a OsCutter with a Cross Armbreaker

Springboard Tornado DDT + Falcon Arrow into a Cross Armbreaker

Falcon Arrow + Cross Armbreaker

Avalanche Cross Ambreaker

Cross Armbreaker

Avalanche Shiranui

Jumping Knee Strike + Running Standing Shiranui

Running Standing Shiranui

Apron Nomisugi Knee to the Outside

Escapes from a Backdrop Suplex with a Nomisugi Knee

Nomisugi Knee