BxB Hulk


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

South Road


Rolling Frankensteiner


Elbow Smashes + Kicks Sequence

Ultra Tiger Drop 

Topé con Hilo

Topé con Hilo to a Multiple Opponents

Half Boston Crab

Wrist-Clutch Half Boston Crab


Ankle Lock

 Cross-Legged Ankle Hold

Double Armbar

Ude Gatame

Waki Gatame

Juji Gatame

Flying Juji Gatame

Springboard Moonsault

Springboard Corkscrew Senton

Standing Corkscrew Senton

Feint Spinning Kick into a Leg Sweep + PK + Standing Corkscrew Senton

Second Rope Springboard Missile Kick

Springboard Missile Kick

Missile Kick

Corner Bicycle Kick


Spinning Back Kick

Running Middle Kick + Middle Kicks to a Kneeling Opponent

Mouse Click + Elbow  Smash + Spinning Back Kick

Overhead Kick

Spinning Kick

Arm-Hold Spinning Kick

Blocks a Kick + Spinning Kneel Kick

Springboard Spinning Kneel Kick

Top Rope Spinning Kneel Kick

Rewing Enzuigiri Kick

High Kick

Mouse Click + Dark Rush

Snapmare + Axe Kick

Kakato Otoshi

Kakato Otoshi to a Kneeling Opponent

Warterwheel Drop + Kakato Otoshi

Kakato Otoshi to the Back of the Head

Kicks Sequence + Kakato Otoshi

Buzzsaw Kicks + Kakato Otoshi

Buzzsaw Kicks + Kakato Otoshi to a Seated Opponent

Spinning Back Kick + Axe Kick + Spinning Back Kick + Kakato Otosh



Reverse Frankensteiner

Downward Spiral

Hangman's Downward Spiral

Burn Out

Flash Burn

H Thunder



EVO Catch a Opponent from the Top Rope

EVO from the Top Rope + Kakato Otoshi

EVO on the Apron

Avalanche EVO


 Enzu First Flash

Kakato Otoshi to the Back of the Head +  Enzu First Flash

 First Flash

Kick to the Leg + First Flash

Warterwheel Drop + First Flash

Mouse Click + Dark Rush + Kakato Otoshi + First Flash

Buzzsaw Kicks + Switchblade Kick + First Flash

Warterwheel Drop + Kakato Otoshi + First Flash

Phoenix Splash