Chris Benoit


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Two Titles

Breaks Pinfall

Backslide Roll Up

Oklahoma Roll Up

Running Inside Cradle

Escapes from a German Suplex with a Wheelbarrow Roll Up

Corner Chop


Kitchen Sink

Low Dropkick

Chop Block

Clothesline to the Outside

Clothesline to the Back of the Head


Back Body Drop

Apron DDT


Pendulum Backbreaker

Snap Suplex

Back Suplex

Bridge Northern Lights Suplex

Reverses a Clothesline with a German Suplex

Multiple Knee Strikes to the Gut + Bridge German Suplex

Two German Suplex

Three German Suplex

German Suplex

Takedown Sharpshooter


Diving Headbutt to the Back of the Head

Diving Headbutt

Takedown Crippler Crossface

Breaks Pinfall with a Crippler Crossface

Escapes from a Pinfall with a Crippler Crossface

Reverses a Wheelbarrow Bulldog with a Crippler Crossface

Reverses a Ankle Lock with a Crippler Crossface

Reverses a Pedigree with a Crippler Crossface

Crippler Crossface