CM Punk


Entrance with Title

Grabs Title

Hits with the Title

La Magistral

Reverses a LeBell Lock with a Crucifix Roll Up

Reverses a Boston Crab with a Small Package

Roll Up

Outside Fireman's Carry Facebuster to the Steel Step

Multiple Corner Shoulder Thrusts

Shoulder Tackle


Diving Double Axe Handle to the Outside

Diving Double Axe Handle

Elbow Stamp

Corner Rolling Back Elbow

Multiple Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smash

Diving Knee Strike

Running Jumping Knee Strike

Knee Strike to the Gut

Ropes Step-Up High Knee

Corner Step-Up High Knee

Snapmare + Soccer Kick

Spinning Middle Kick

Heel Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Triangle Dropkick

Multiple Kicks to the Leg

Leg Sweep


Triangle Choke

Drop Toe Hold + Muta Lock

Figure-Four Leglock

Suicide Dive


Arm Drag

Russian Leg Sweep to a Chair

Reverses a Triangle Dropkick with a Hotshot


Flapjack to a Ladder

Foot DDT

Curb Stomp

Back Body Drop to the Outside

Outside Gourdbuster to the Barricade

Gourdbuster to the Ropes

Body Slam

Dragon Screw

Avalanche Hurricanrana

Corner Step-Up High Knee + Short-Arm Clothesline

Short-Arm Clothesline

Two Clothesline


Flying Clothesline from the Announcer Table

Slingshot Clothesline to a Opponent on the Ropes

Slingshot Clothesline

Scoop Powerslam

Escapes from a Electric Chair + DDT

Reverses a F-5 with a DDT


Outside Neckbreaker

Arm-Trapped Swinging Neckbreaker

Fisherman Suplex

Back Suplex

Rock Bottom

Diving Elbow Drop to a Standing Opponent on the Outside

Diving Elbow Drop with a Chair

Diving Elbow Drop

Reverses a Sharpshooter with a Anaconda Vice

Anaconda Vice