Big R Shimizu


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Shoulder Toss

Shoulder Tackle

Shoulder Tackle Rebounded from the Corner

Double Shoulder Tackle

Corner Chop

Corner Chops 


Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes

Body Block

Corner Body Avalanche


Falling Powerslam + Running OTAKEBI

Multiples Running OTAKEBI

Double Snap Suplex

Whirlwind Suplex

Outside Spinning Body Slam

Uranage Slam

Spinning Scoop Powerslam


Reverses a Diving Move with a Blockbuster

Avalanche Hold


Spinning Backflip

Reverses a Springboard Crossbody with a Backflip

Corner Lariat


Whirlwind Suplex + Lariat

 Liger Bomb

Hanging Bomb

All Out Assault I

All Out Assault II


Blocks a Kick + Shot-put Slam

2 Shot-put Slams

 Shot-put Slam