Kotaro Suzuki

Backstage Interview

Backstage Interview with Title

Backstage Comments

Backstage Comments with Title


Promo with Title


Entrance with Bouquet of Flowers

Entrance with Title and Bouquet of Flowers

Removes the Mask

Ring Introduction

Post-Match Handshake

Clean Break


Elbow Smash

Elbow Smash and Back Elbow Sequence

Elbow to the Gut

Elbows to the Gut on the Corner

Knee to the Gut when Opponent is running

Stomp to the Head


Elbow Smash and Back Elbow Sequence on the Corner

Step-up High Knee on a Cornered Opponent

Throws Opponent in the barricade

Throws Opponent in the Ring Post

DDT outside the ring

Slingshot Catapult to the Ring Post

Gore Buster on the Barricade

Gore Buster on the Apron

Diving Forearm Strike

Vertical Suplex

Senton Splash

Frog Splash from the 2nd Rope

DDT followed by a Front Neck Lock

Belly to Back Suplex

Reverses a Super Face G into a Powerbomb

Low Dropkick on the Opponent trapped in the corner


Throws Opponent to the Ropes and hits a 619

Basement Dropkick followed by a 619

Tope Suicida

La Magistral

La Magistral Sequence

Rolling Elbow

Rolling Elbow to the Gut


Back Elbow followed by Two Rolling Elbows and a Javelin

Javelin to the Opponent when he tries a Tope Suicida

Throws Opponent to the Ropes + Jumping Tombstone

Bit Blaster

Blue Destiny

Mass Driver

Reverses a Moonsault into a Mass Driver

Tiger Driver

Tiger Driver 91


Celebration with Title

Celebration with Trophy