Randy Orton


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Two Titles

Backstage Promo



Breaks Pinfall

Jacknife Hold

Outside Throw to the Steel Steps

Hits with the Title

Outside Hotshot

Shoulder Tackle

Corner Top Rope Punches

Corner European Uppercut

European Uppercut

Back Elbow Strike

Corner Clothesline

Two Clotheslines

Clothesline to the Outside

Outside Clothesline


Corner Stomp

Stomp to the Arm

Stomp to the Leg

Garvin Stomp



Half Boston Crab

Inverted Boston Crab

Avalanche Back Body Drop

Gourdbuster on the Ropes

Rope-Hung Inverted Headlock Backbreaker

Escapes from a Fireman's Carry + Inverted Headlock Backbreaker

Inverted Headlock Backbreaker

Full Nelson Slam

Reverses a Triangle Choke with a Powerbomb

Two Clothesline + Scoop Powerslam

Scoop Powerslam Catch in Mid-Air

Scoop Powerslam



Apron Vertical Suplex to the Inside

Gourdbuster on the Ropes into a Vertical Suplex

Snap Suplex

Corner Pull Capture Suplex

Capture Suplex

Back Suplex on the Announcer Table

Outside Back Suplex to the Barricade

Outside Back Suplex to the Apron

Back Suplex

Styles Clash

Outside Apron Double Elevated DDT

Outside Apron Elevated DDT

Outside Barricade Elevated DDT

Double Elevated DDT

Elevated DDT

Feint Back Suplex + RKO

Reverses a Curb Stomp with a RKO

Reverses a Slingshot Move with a RKO

RKO Catch in Mid-Air

Pop-Up RKO