Master Wato



Reverses a Time Bomb with a Sunset Flip

School Boy Roll Up

Wheelbarrow Roll Up

La Carretera

Back Elbow Strike to the Gut + Backfist Punch

Outside Slingshot Uppercut

Slingshot Uppercut

Jumping Knee Strike

Bicycle Knee Strike

Kick to the Arm

Jumping Spinning Kick

Snapmare + Soccer Kick

Soccer Kick

Leapfrog + Back Elbow Strike to the Gut + Backfist Punch + Jumping Spinning Middle Kick

Back Elbow Strike to the Gut + Backfist Punch + Jumping Spinning Middle Kick

Jumping Spinning Middle Kick

Spinning Middle Kick

Two Kicks to the Leg + Middle Kick

Kick to the Face + Middle Kick

Back Elbow Strike to the Gut + Backfist Punch + Middle Kick

Middle Kick

Apron Enzuigiri to the Inside

Escapes from a Swinging Neckbreaker + Kaiten Enzuigiri

Kaiten Enzuigiri

Roundhouse Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Escapes from a Double Knee Facebreaker + Roundhouse Kick

Escapes from a Shiranui + Roundhouse Kick

Two Kicks to the Leg + Roundhouse Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Front Dropkick

Running Low Dropkick to a Seated Opponent

Reverses a Diving Move with a Dropkick

Reverses a Slingshot Move with a Dropkick


Tope Con Hilo

Corkscrew Tope Con Hilo

Monkey Flip

Reverses a Cross Arm Piledriver with a Frankensteiner


Back Body Drop

Jumping Reverse Bulldog

Alley Oop Facebuster

Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
