
Entrance with Titles

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Titles


Throws to the Outside

Throws Opponent at the Referee

Throws to Exposed Turnbuckle

Outside Throw Opponent to the Barricade

Outside Drop Toe Hold to Multiple Chairs

Chair Shot to a Opponent with a Chair in the Head

Chair Shot

Low Blow

Throws to Exposed Turnbuckle + Shoulder Tackle

Shoulder Tackle

Double Chop

Arm-Throw with a Chair into the Ring Post

Arm-Throw into Exposed Turnbuckle

Elbow Drop to the Leg

Rope-Hung Lariat to the Back + Stomp

Throws Opponent's Leg to the Referee + Superkick to the Gut

Apron Arm-Breaker to the Ropes

Apron Knee Slam through a Table

Knee Smash

Senton Bomb

Half Boston Crab

Corner Lariat

Lariat to the Outside


Body Slam


Throws to Exposed Turnbuckle + Pendulum Backbreaker

Pendulum Backbreaker


Outside Snap Suplex to Multiple Chairs

Corner Snap Suplex

Snap Suplex

German Suplex

Corner Lariat + Fisherman Buster

Fisherman Buster

Darkness Scorpion

Throws to Exposed Turnbuckle + Darkness Falls

Darkness Falls

Low Blow + Everything is EVIL

Escapes from a Destino + Everything is EVIL

Everything is EVIL