Naruki Doi


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction


Promo with Title


Crucifix Roll Up

Inverted Roll Up

Outside Arm Throw to the Post

Shoulder Tackle


Elbow Stamp

Running Back Elbow to a Opponent on the Ropes

Corner Running Back Elbow

Elbow Smash

Kick to the Arm

Dropkick to the Leg

Rope-Hung Dropkick


Modified Camel Clutch

Fujiwara Armbar

Single Leg Boston Crab

Corner Running Back Elbow Strike + Dai Bosou! to a Different Opponents

Dai Bosou! + Tree-Of-Woe Dai Bosou!

Dai Bosou!

Arm Drag

Dragon Screw

Back Body Drop

Releasing Powerslam

Fireman's Carry Facebuster

Shin Breaker

Reverses a Crucifix Powerbomb with a Hurricanrana

High Angle Sitout Spinebuster


Spinebuster + Somersault Senton

Somersault Senton to the Arm

Somersault Senton to the Back

Rope-Hung Somersault Senton Bomb

Arm-Trapped Snap DDT to a Kneeling Opponent

Kick to the Leg + Snap DDT to a Kneeling Opponent

Snap DDT to a Kneeling Opponent

Corner Elevated DDT

Inverted DDT

Arm-Trapped Neckbreaker


Reverses a Avalanche Fireman's Carry with a Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Avalanche Sunset Flip Powerbomb

Blue Thunder Bomb

Pop-Up Powerbomb

Powerbomb from the Top Rope


Powerbomb + Gory Special

Gory Special

Vertical Suplex

Back Suplex

Avalanche Tiger Suplex

Pop-Up Powerbomb + Tiger Driver

Tiger Driver

Bosou Elbow

Golden Glove


V9 Clutch

Doi 555

Multiple Doi 555

Avalanche Doi 555 to a Chairs

Avalanche Doi 555

Apron Doi 555 to the Outside

Fireman's Carry Facebuster + Bakatare Sliding Kick

Gory Special + Doi 555 + Bakatare Sliding Kick

Doi 555 + Bakatare Sliding Kick

Back Bakatare Sliding Kick

Bakatare Sliding Kick

Muscular Bomb