Daisuke Sasaki

Backstage Comments


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Title and a Trash Can

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title


Promo with Title

Takes His Shirt Off

Steps on the Opponent's Knee

Lands on his Feet after a Deadlift German Suplex Attempt

Reverses a German Suplex into a Victory Roll

Throws Opponent on a Exposed Turnbuckle

Plaque to the Head

Plaque to the Gut

Guitar to the Head While Being Above Two Tables Supported by Two Ladders

Backdrop and Opponents Falls on a Ladder Outside the Ring

Throws Opponent on a Ladder Trapped in the Corner after a Nearfall

Trash Can to the Head

Trash Can to the Head of a Seated Opponent

Jumping Steel Chair Shot on a Opponent Between The Ropes and Has a Ladder on his Head

Steel Chair Shot to the back outside the ring

Steel Chair Shot on the Opponent when he tries a Tope Suicida

Backbody Drop on a Steel Chair

Kendo Stick Strikes


Clean Break

Slaps the Opponent on the Ropes




Punch on the Corner

Punches on the Apron

Leg Mat Slam

Elbows to the Back of the Head

Knee to the Back of the Head on a Lying Opponent

Elbow to the Opponent's Knee on the Apron

Kick to the Back of the Leg while Opponent is on the Apron

Throws Opponent's Head on the Ring Post

Kicks the Barricade while the Opponent's Knee is Trapped on It

Throws Opponent's Head on a Table Outside the Ring

Throws Opponent on the Crowd's Chairs

Rushing Leg Sweep on the Crowd's Chairs 

Big Boot while being on the Ropes

Hurricanrana on the Ropes


Kick to the Gut followed by a DDT

DDT on a Steel Chair

DDT on a Trash Can


Fisherman's Neckbreaker

Basement Dropkick

Puts Opponent Above the Ropes and hits a Basement Dropkick

Basement Dropkick to the Opponent's Head on the Ropes

Basement Dropkick when Opponent is Entering the Ring

Diving Crossbody Outside the Ring

Kick to the Gut Outside the Ring when Opponent tries a Steel Chair Shot

Spear between the Ropes and Falls on a Table Outside the Ring

Dragon Screw Leg Whip on the Ropes

Thrust Kick

Thrust Kick While Being on the Corner

Canadian Destroyer

Modified Reversed Figure Four Leg Lock

Bridging Belly to Back Suplex

Bridging German Suplex

Low Blow

Low Blow with a Baseball Bat

Throws the Referee on the Opponent + He does a Leap Frog and suffers a Low Blow


Pedigree on a Table Supported by Two Ladders

Diving Hitman Elbow Drop

Diving Hitman Elbow Drop on a Opponent Sitted on a Crowd Chair

Diving Hitman Elbow Drop Outside the Ring with a Chain on his Hand

Cross Facelock

Nearfall followed by the Cross Facelock

Cross Facelock above Two Tables supported by Two Ladders

Reverses a Praying Mantis Bomb in a Crossface Scissored Armbar

Tilt-A-Whirl Cross Facelock

Throws Referee on the Opponent and Hits a Sasaki-shiki Huracanrana

Sasaki-shiki Huracanrana


Celebration with Title

Leaves Arena with Title