Tiger Mask IV


Entrance with Title

Backstage Talk


Breaks a Submission

Inverted Roll Up

Crucifix Roll Up

Shoulder Tackle

Multiple Slaps to a Lying Opponent



Elbow Stamp

Back Elbow Strike to the Gut

Spinning Middle Kick + Roundhouse Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Roundhouse Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Corner Roundhouse Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Enzuigiri to a Opponent on the Top Rope

Snapmare + Soccer Kick

Soccer Kick

Kick to the Leg + Jumping Spinning Middle Kick

Middle Kick + Kick to the Leg + Jumping Spinning Middle Kick

Jumping Spinning Middle Kick

Spinning Middle Kick

Middle Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Spinning Middle Kick + Middle Kick

Middle Kick

Multiple Kicks to the Leg

Kick to the Leg

Front Dropkick to a Trapped Opponent

Front Dropkick to a Opponent on the Apron

Double Arm Hold Dropkick

Missile Dropkick to the Back

Missile Dropkick

Reverses a Slingshot Move with a Dropkick

Corner Tiger Wall Flip

Tiger Wall Flip

Crossface Chickenwing

Fujiwara Armbar

Rolling Cross Armbreaker

Figure-Four Leg Lock

Plancha to Two Opponents

Suicide Dive

Diving Headbutt

Diving Crossbody

Standing Moonsault

Drop Toe Hold to the Ropes

Leg Hold Leg Sweep

Dragon Screw

Body Slam

Outside Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker

Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker

Reverses a Spinning Wheel Kick with a Modified Powerbomb

Vertical Suplex

Reverses a Shiranui with a Back Suplex

German Suplex Hold

Avalanche Butterfly Suplex

Tombstone Piledriver

Scissored Armbar

Corner Roundhouse Kick + Tiger Driver

Tiger Driver

Destroy Suplex

Tiger Suplex

Millennium Suplex