

Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Low Blow

Escapes from a Crucifix Powerbomb + Biblia


Crucifix Roll-Up

School Boy Roll-Up

Low Blow + Small Package Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up

Back Elbow

Elbow Smash

La Escalera

Ude Gatame

Falcon Arrow Crash into a Waki Gatame

Waki Gatame

Solar Eclipse

Slingshot Solar Eclipse

Falcon Arrow Crash into a Solar Eclipse


Rolling Thunder Dropkick

Reverses a Spear with a Big Boot

Big Boot to a Kneeling Opponent

Standing Shining Wizard


Gourdbuster from the Top Rope + Double Foot Stomp

Gourdbuster from the Top Rope + PK

Gourdbuster from the Top Rope + PK + Double Foot Stomp

Gourdbuster + PK + Double Foot Stomp

Falcon Arrow Crash from the Top Rope

Falcon Arrow Crash 

Reverses a Rolling Yoshi Tonic with a Powerbomb

Reverses a Springboard Frankensteiner with a Deadlift Powerbomb

Sunset Flip Powerbomb from the Corner + PK

Pumphandle Powerbomb

Reverses a Tilt-a-whirl Armbar with a Tombstone Piledriver

Outside Brainbuster on the Chairs

Avalanche Brainbuster to a Chairs

Avalanche Brainbuster


Totem Killer


Crucifix + Numero Uno

Crucifix Roll-Up + Numero Uno

Numero Uno

Corner Imperial Uno

Feint Imperial Uno + Imperial Uno

Chair Shot to the Head + Imperial Uno

Corner Imperial Uno + Imperial Uno

Imperial Uno to the Back of the Head + Imperial Uno

Reverses a Springboard Move with a Imperial Uno

Trauma + Imperial Uno

Imperial Uno

2 Imperial Uno

Top Rope Imperial Uno
