Darby Allin


Ring Introduction

Crucifix Roll-Up

Jackknife Roll-Up

La Magistral

O'Connor Roll

Small Package

Reverses a a Fireman's Carry with a Hurricanrana


 Forearm Smash

 Forearm Smashes

Running Corner Back Elbows

John Woo

Swanton Bomb to the Outside

O'Connor Roll + Springboard Crossbody

O'Connor Roll + Springboard Corkscrew Crossbody

Suicide Dive


Fujiwara Armbar

Fujiwara Armbar after a Opponent Kick Out

Reverses a Lariat with a Fujiwara Armbar

Guillotine Choke

Hammerlock Guillotine Choke


Float Over Stunner

Springboard Float Over Stunner

Float Over Stunner from the Top Rope

Crucifix Bomb

Avalanche Crucifix Bomb

 Code Red

Reverses a Powerbomb with a Code Red

Strikes + Code Red

Avalanche Code Red

Rolling Yoshi Tonic

Springboard Coffin Drop

Coffin Drop

Coffin Drop to a Opponent Hanging in the Ropes

Coffin Drop to the Outside

Last Supper