Dominik Dijakovic


 Forearm Smash

 Forearm Smash to a Kneeling Opponent

Forearm Smashes

Corner Forearm Smashes

Moonsault Press

Corkscrew Moonsault Press

2nd Tightrope Body Splash

Topé con Hilo

Fosbury Flop

Springboard Elbow Drop

Springboard Swanton Bomb to the Outside to a Opponent Sitting on a Chair

Asai Moonsault

Moonsault Plancha

Pendulum Backbreaker

Pendulum Backbreaker + 2nd Tightrope Body Splash

Backbreaker Drop + Side Fallaway Slam

Backbreaker Drop + Side Fallaway Slam to the Outside

Reverses a Diving Crossbody with a Backbreaker Drop + Side Fallaway Slam to the Outside

Time to Fly

Time to Fly In another Opponent


Cyclone Kick

Cyclone Kick Rebounded from the Corner

Corner Cyclone Kick

Outside Cyclone Kick


Superkick + Lariat

Discus Lariat

Chokeslam on the Apron

Outside Chokeslam on the Apron


Cyclone Kick + Chokebomb

Chokebomb from the Top Rope

Avalanche Chokebomb

Avalanche Death Valley Driver

Avalanche Spanish Fly

Avalanche Canadian Destroyer

Feast Your Eyes