Dragon Dia


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

School Boy Roll-Up

Wheelbarrow Roll-Up


 Corner Assisted Hurricanrana

Slingshot Hurricanrana to the Outside

Pop-Up Frankensteiner

Elbow Smashes

Space Rolling Elbow

Diving Crossbody

Missile Kick

Firebird Splash

Springboard Seated Senton

Topé con Hilo

Tiger Feint Kick

Standing Moonsault

Spinning Back Kick + Leg Sweep + Standing Moonsault

Standing Shooting Star Press

Tiger Feint Kick + Standing Shooting Star Press
 Drop Toe Hold + Sliding Dropkick

Reverses a Powerbomb with a Rolling Yoshi Tonic


Jumping Tornado DDT 

Springboard Tornado DDT

Casadora Driver

 Reptilian Rana