David Finlay

Video Promo

Backstage Comments

Backstage Comments with Title


Entrance with Title

Entrance with Trophy

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Trophy

Pre-Match Handshake

Reverses a Figure Four Leg Lock with a Inside Craddle

O'Connor Roll

Hip Toss to the Outside


Shoulder Tackle

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes


Leap Frog + Dropkick

Back Elbow + Senton

Corner Gut Kicks

Camel Clutch

Single Leg Boston Crab

European Uppercut

European Uppercuts

Running European Uppercut

Corner Running European Uppercut

Diving European Uppercut

Knee Strike

Vertical Suplex

Backdrop Suplex

Reverses a Shiranui into a Backbreaker

Uranage Backbreaker


Trash Panda

Prima Nocta

Reverses a Chokeslam with a Prima Nocta

Acid Drop

Post-Match Handshake

Post-Match Hug


Celebration with Title