Drew Gulak


Entrance with Title


Ring Introduction

Jackknife Roll-Up

Small Package Roll-Up


Forearm Smash

Forearm Smashes

Half Boston Crab

Inverted Figure Four Leg Lock

Ankle Lock

Reverses a Cross Armbreaker with a Ankle Lock

Reverses a Springboard Enzuigiri Kick with a Ankle Lock

Fujiwara Armbar

Reverses a Bridge German Suplex with a Fujiwara Armbar

Romero Special

Gory Special

LeBell Lock

Guillotine Choke

Dragon Screw Leg Whip

Fireman's Carry Gutbuster

Running Dropkick

Shotgun Dropkick

Corner Clothesline

Second Rope Diving Clothesline

Diving Clothesline

Apron Diving Clothesline to the Outside


Reverses a Diving Move with a Clothesline

Northern Clothesline

Discus Clothesline

Float-Over Snap Suplex

Vertical Suplex

Northern Lights Suplex

Exploder Suplex

German Suplex

Bridge German Suplex

Release Regal-Plex

Body Slam

Gorilla Press Slam

Uranage Slam

Inverted Body Slam

Body Slam Driver


Powerbomb + Deadlift Powerbomb

Electric Chair Drop


O'Connor Roll + Gu-Lock

Iverted Superplex + Gu-Lock

Cyclone Crash