Tetsuya Endo

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Entrance with Title

Entrance with Title and a Sword

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Ring Introduction with Title and a Sword


Promo with Title

Promo with Two Titles

Reverses a Sliding Elbow with a Crucifix Pinfall

School Boy Roll-Up

Throws Opponent on the Crowd's Chairs

Forearm Smash


Corner Chop

Knee Drop

Back Elbow

Gut Kick


Basement Dropkick

Basement Dropkick Through the Ropes


Dragon Screw

Body Slam

Outside Body Slam

Thrust Kick


Cross Facelock

Vertical Suplex

Corner Snap Suplex

Moonsault to the Outside


Kick Up + Lariat

German Suplex

Reverses a German Suplex with a DDT

Sitout Powerbomb

Reverses a Hurricanrana with a Sitout Powerbomb

Reverses a Fable with a Sitout Powerbomb

Overhead Kick

Overhead Kick on Opponent in the Top Rope

Handspring Overhead Kick

Springboard Forearm Smash

Back Elbow + Springboard Forearm Smash

Sasuke Special


Canadian Destroyer

Wrist Clutch Muscular Bomb


Tetsuya in the Sky

Torture Rack Bomb

Shooting Star Press

Celebration with Title

Celebration with Two Titles

Leaves the Arena with Title

Leaves the Arena with Two Titles